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  • Writer's pictureSam S

Gender Discrimination Article. (Informational and facts.)

This article is informational. These are facts. I might put my opinion in the article, but not in all of it.

Gender discrimination can be directed towards women and men, but usually, it's directed towards women. Since it's Women's History Month, I wrote an article about this issue.

If a photographer, for example, tells girls to, " pUt ThAt HanD On YoUR hiP," and they tell boys to, "PuT ThAt HanD OvEr ThEre, In YoUr PoCkEt", that's sexism (Gender Discrimination.). It's happened before and it's sexist because the photographer is using gender stereotypes and labels, like the "Feminism and Masculine" labels. The stereotypes the photographer used are related to the "Feminism and Masculine" labels because some people think it's feminine to put your hand on your hip, and masculine to put your hand in your pocket. Feminine is female, and masculine is male.

How is this discrimination? What did the photographer do?

The photographer used gender labels, and makes the girl do something "feminine" and the boy had to be "masculine". But, it's not ok to do that. The photographer shouldn't have assumed the girl or boy to be feminine, or masculine. The photographer shouldn't think that the girl wants to put her hand on her hip, and the photographer shouldn't have assumed the boy wanted to put his hand in his pocket.

Gender labels and stereotypes shouldn't be used. But there are loads of them. One stereotype is that, if you're not a girl, you can't wear dresses. This stereotype was just used by a lady on social media in response to a picture of a man in a dress. This article isn't to "target" this lady (That's why I didn't use her name.), and this article might not have your opinions. But, using facts, NOT opinion, this lady used a stereotype.

Yes, there are stereotypes about men, too.

Also, another sexist stereotype is that, "Women should be in the kitchen", or another yet, "Women can't play sports.".

You can see what the people that believe in them (the stereotypes.) don't see. It's what those people refuse to see.

Have they seen how many girls and women can dunk on a dude in basketball? (I've seen women dunk on guys before.)

Have they seen how many girls and women play sports?

No, they haven't. But, they could.

By using gender labels, by discriminating, and by being sexist, people limit how open people are about equality. People limit other people's confidence when you discriminate, too. People shouldn't be sexist, and they really shouldn't discriminate. Also, if you want to know more about sexism, please research it, and maybe even tell your class, or just tell people, about sexism.

Also, I added some hashtags you can use on social media, if you use it.

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